The Right Hand of God
By Kostya Benkovich
A symbol of judgement and a place of refuge for those who suffer.
"This is the Hand of judgement for perpetrators of evil, and a place of refuge for those who suffer the consequences of war and persecution."
The Right Hand of God which towers above the rivers of blood was created as a reaction to the destructive military actions in Ukraine. Installed in London's Holland Park in June 2022, as part of the Kensington & Chelsea Art Week, the sculpture is contructed from reinforced steel which is also used to make prison bars in Russia.

Last year Kostya Benkovich premiered The Suitcase at the Edinburgh Fringe as a tribute to the plight of refugees. This time the artist has a more powerful statement; "Today, as never before, humanity is on the brink of a third world war, threatening nuclear apocalypse and total self-annihilation. It has become our personal duty to read the warning signs of the approaching catastrophe and prevent it from happening. The sculpture is a reminder of that." Benkovich said.

Here Benkovich melds the traditional iconography of the Hand of God as a symbol of mercy, presence and judgement, with apocalyptic imagery of the third bowl of wrath from Giving of the Seven Bowls of Wrath (Revelation, 16: 1-16) which turned rivers and springs from water to blood.